Responsible Party and Year Completed: Martin Wallen, 2013, 2023 (updated)
Link: TBC
Status: Completed
Contact: Martin Wallen – [email protected]
Executive Summary:
The West Bank – Sinai Link proposal envisions creating a comprehensive transportation and utility corridor connecting the West Bank to the Sinai Peninsula.
This international concession aims to provide immediate economic benefits to the West Bank and potential future development for the Gaza Strip, facilitating broader Middle Eastern diplomatic relations. The plan proposes a multifaceted transport system, including an airport, land train transportation, and utility services, offering a direct, secure connection between the West Bank and Egypt.
The initiative focuses on enhancing Palestinian quality of life and economic opportunities, which could catalyse improved relations in the region.
Short term priorities:
- Build an internationally operated airport to improve Palestinian connectivity and economic prospects.
- Implement a rubber-tired, self-steering Land Train system for passenger and freight movement.
- Create a corridor for transportation and utilities, including pipelines and electrical transmission.
Long term priorities:
- Utilise the link to stimulate the West Bank economy and promote political stability, potentially extending benefits to the Gaza Strip.
- Seek international support for construction, operation, and maintenance, with revenue generation through user fees.
- Develop power generation and water desalination plants within the Sinai Transportation Complex to support the region’s needs.
Immediate Priorities / Proposed Next Steps:
- Construct an airport and seaport and establish connections to Egypt and potentially Gaza.
- Secure land leases from Egypt, Israel, and Palestine for the transportation and utility corridor.
- Form a Governing Authority and possibly a subsidiary Operating Agency for the administration, funding, construction, operation, and maintenance of the project.