PREP Analytics partners with local institutions, economists, and international experts to perform macroeconomic and intervention-specific analyses to inform the blueprint design and implementation. Our work includes modelling a growth case, where we envision an unconstraint Palestinian economy meeting its full growth potential.

PREP Analytics employs the PREP approach: partnering with local stakeholders to gather data, researching through our advanced analytics engine for insights, empowering private sector strategies with these insights; and performing by supporting implementation with our dedicated teams. PREP Analytics specializes in Palestine and the region and plans to incorporate the latest data analytics techniques to shape effective interventions.

PREP Analytics will publish additional analyses to help shape specific interventions across the West Bank and Gaza and their impact across the region. Beyond specialized econometrics analyses and projections, PREP Analytics gauges public sentiments and analyses the effectiveness of economic development interventions by triangulating data collected by various organizations operating in the region. PREP Analytics is currently looking for additional partners. Please get in touch with us if you are interested in discussing the prospect of a partnership. 

Coming soon: Gaza Economic Survey Analysis; Gravity Model (evaluating the impact of our blueprint on regional economies)