West Bank Economic Spatial Plan

Responsible Party and Year Completed: RAND, in progress

Link: TBC

Status: In Progress

Contact: Ross Anthony – rossa@rand.org; Shelly Culbertson – shellyc@rand.org

Executive Summary:

The RAND West Bank Spatial Plan aims to develop a vision that aligns with the aspirations of Palestinians and sets the foundation for creating a successful Palestinian state.

This vision takes into account the eventual evolution of an independent Palestinian state within the 1967 borders with potential land swaps, East Jerusalem as the capital, and a connector to Gaza. The plan is executed in two phases: initially developing a spatial and economic vision and identifying and prioritising critical projects for immediate implementation.

Short term priorities:

  • Create a comprehensive vision for the future, estimate population growth, urban development, and critical infrastructure needs like energy and waste management.
  • Involve Palestinian ministries, business leaders, planners, and international organisations to gather diverse perspectives and needs.
  • Develop a list of 50 priority projects and select 4-6 for detailed analysis and immediate implementation.

Long term priorities:

  • Focus on land use efficiency, socio-economic development, and establish symbols of national identity in critical metropolitan areas like East Jerusalem, Ramallah, Bethlehem, Nablus, Jenin, Jericho, Hebron, and the Gaza Strip.
  • Ensure resource independence in energy, water, sanitation, and communications, support territorial contiguity for freedom of movement and environmental sustainability, and reinforce urban hierarchy.

Immediate Priorities / Proposed Next Steps:

  • Conduct thorough reviews and analyses to understand existing conditions, needs, and potential scenarios.