Plan for Post War Gaza

Responsible Party and Year Completed: The Wilson Centre, 2024


Status: Completed

Contact: Wilson Centre – [email protected]

Short term priorities:

  • Negotiate an end to hostilities, both locally and comprehensively.
  • Mobilize and coordinate activities of international, governmental, and non-governmental agencies and organizations.
  • Vet and rebuild a police force and gendarmerie in Gaza with Israeli and U.S. participation.
  • Begin the task of physical and social reconstruction.
  • Restore Gaza’s educational system by late 2024.

Long term priorities:

  • Develop a de-radicalization, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR) program.
  • Establish effective border security between Gaza and Israel and Gaza and Egypt.
  • Address housing needs and reform Gaza’s judicial system.
  • Survey damaged buildings and assess reconstruction priorities.
  • Set up local councils to rebuild representative governance.
  • Transition governance and security responsibilities to local Palestinian entities once they are capable of maintaining order and stability.

Immediate Priorities / Proposed Next Steps:

  • Establish a Multi-National Authority (MNA) to administer Gaza.
  • Form an International Contact Group (ICG) to oversee the MNA.
  • Set up an international Policing Force to maintain security and order.
  • Provide immediate humanitarian aid and basic services, including sewer, water, electricity, and medical capabilities.
  • Prevent looting and restore essential services.