West Bank Spatial Plan

Responsible Party and Year Completed:The Palestinian Private Sector and the Palestinian

Link: TBC

Status: In Progress

Contact: Dr Samih Alabed – [email protected]

Short term priorities:

  • Engage international investors for infrastructure projects, with a focus on Jerusalem, to secure initial funding and support.
  • Conduct regulatory reforms to create an investment-friendly environment, addressing private sector concerns especially in housing and education.

Long term priorities:

  • Establish a robust transportation network, including railways and major roads, to enhance connectivity within the West Bank and with Gaza.
  • Focus on the development of the Jordan Valley and Dead Sea facilities to leverage agricultural and industrial potential.
  • Expand urban boundaries to accommodate growth, contrasting with the static limits of towns and villages amidst expanding settlements.

Immediate Priorities / Proposed Next Steps:

  • Prepare for the upcoming Bahrain meeting to present investment opportunities and linkages between Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza.
  • Finalise the project list for presentation to the PA and securing approval to proceed with implementation by February 14th.
  • Coordinate with international banks and investment groups, like the Islamic Bank in Jeddah, to discuss funding mechanisms and investment returns, aiming for a collaborative investment approach with local and international partners.